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The Orz may be *manifestations* of a single super-being, if Orzese is interpreted correctly, but nonetheless the Orz as they appear to us are a race of biological individuals (little fish-guys in robot suits), and that initial impression, which is all we know for absolutely certain, is what should go here. Speculation on the true, essential nature of the Orz should go in their own article.

This article is great

It also happens to be the biggest one on the site right now (Special:Longpages). I find myself wondering if it should be broken up into smaller pieces, such as a separate article on the 2085 slave revolt, for instance. It's difficult because there is so much to say, but if the people who have been working on it continue to do as good a job, I'm not worried at all. :) Mmrnmhrm 17:33, 19 Oct 2004 (CEST)

"This may be why the Androsynth after the Emigration consciously changed the Androsynth insignia from a black inverted triangle to a pink one, imitating the 20th-century symbol of homosexual liberation."

Is the pink triangle symbol actually in the game? I'm curious because an inverted pink triangle was also a symbol used by Nazis to denote homosexual inmates of concentration camps.--saint242 17:17, 26 Nov 2004 (CET)

There's more to the triangles.

I can't recall seeing any reference to black or pink triangles in the game, and grepping through the dialogs and the manuals turns up nothing. Can anyone tell me where the reference came from?

I also don't see what changing from a black to a pink triangle has to do with sexual liberation. I can't say I'm an expert on the subject, but from what I've read (pink and black), the pink triangle has been adopted as a symbol of homosexual pride, while the black triable has been specifically a symbol for the lesbian en feminist cause. They both originate from nazi insignia. -- SvdB 00:13, 27 Nov 2004 (CET)

About the triangles.

Hi all, I was recently browsing through here when I saw this topic. Just to answer your questions, if you check the very small Androsynth crew picture (from melee), you’ll notice they have small, pink triangular patches/badges on their chests.

In case you’re wondering, I was the person who originally found out about the whole “homosexual” Androsynth thing. The subject itself came up during a discussion at the PNF forums last year, and I had asked Paul Reiche & Fred Ford to confirm this via email. Paul answered that the pink triangles were, indeed, a small way of showing appreciation to his gay friends.

I’d show you the actual letter he sent back to me, but unfortunately the only place I know where a copy of the letter itself actually is (It's no longer in my inbox), is posted on the PNF discussion forum. The PNF board at the moment is experiencing errors, and I can’t recover the letter until Chad fixes the problem.

Hope this helps. Moronic Maria 04:12, 27 Nov 2004 (CET)

Also, the black triangles only refer to the fact that the manual art for pre-Exodus Androsynth shows them to be wearing dark-colored triangles on their uniforms. They apparently became pink triangles after the Exodus. This is also the source for the swooshed hair (which disappears in the Melee graphic) and the pale, Caucasian skin (which becomes dark tanned skin in the Melee graphic), all apparently changes betweeen pre- and post-Exodus 'Synth. -Art

I'm confused. Whatever details about this peice of trivia were apparently removed in the last edit, any paticular reason for this (not that I mind, just wondering)? - (Iamnotloggedin)

Found it

The search functionality still works. The thread is;action=display;num=1077749345

Androsynth disappearance

PR3 has been pretty explicit about what happened to the Androsynth. This should be incorporated in the article.

<Fwiffo> In regards to the Androsynth: They were snagged by the entity who/which projected its fingers into our dimension (which looked to us as the Orz.)

- SvdB 18:54, 4 May 2005 (CEST)

It *is* in the article. It's not that explicit, given that it doesn't say what exactly "snagged" means, nor why the entity "snagged" them, nor say much about what the entity is. It does prove that two things are true, which is that the Orz really are manifestations of a singular entity, and that the Orz really are responsible for the Androsynth's disappearance, but doesn't say much beyond that.

Slylandro=Sky men

I guess I should have also made a comment here when I removed this bit. I did put a comment over on Talk:Influences and References. So here goes again, I haven't been able to verify this statement. All the Greek dictionaries I look in list ouranos or aither as the word for sky. I'll gladly eat my words and admit I'm wrong if you can provide a reference for this translation. Until then, I'm going to be bold and remove it since I've done quite a bit of looking around and researching on my own in order to verify this, but I might have missed the references you have - hence the question. --Fyzixfighter 11:10, 2 Nov 2005 (CET)

Cool Pictures

Honestly, there's something I've always felt Ultronomicon has lacked: there are pictures on Wikipedia for the Androsynth, Mmrnmhrm, and Chenjesu that really show a lot more than just their combat looks. wikipedia:Androsynth wikipedia:Mmrnmhrm wikipedia:Chenjesu Should we "swipe" these and put them up here? They look quite canonical to their appearance.

I believe those images are taken from the SC2 manual, so there is a question of copyright. Anyone know who holds the actual copyrights to the manuals? TFB or whoever-owns-what-was-once-Accolade? --Fyzixfighter 08:12, 10 April 2007 (CEST)