User:Shiver/Balance Mod

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The goal of this project is to even out the effectiveness of Star Control's ship line-up so that everything is worth using in competitive player-versus-player. The various ships have been strengthened or weakened accordingly. Additionally, many minor adjustments have been made for the sake of aesthetics or continuity. The changes are quite extensive, though I tried not to stray too far from vanilla gameplay. The Balance Mod is not suited for Star Control's main game, nor melee against the cyborg.

Latest Changes

Update 1.24

  • Ilwrath: Hellfire spread adjusted to be heavier on forward firepower.

Update 1.23

  • Ilwrath: Hellfire spout has been redesigned to combine the forward and spread fire into one all-purpose attack. These were previously bound to two different keys. The Cloaking Device has been rebound back to the Secondary button. Energy regeneration has been increased slightly to 5 energy every 7 frames. Cloak energy cost raised from 0 to 2.
  • Thraddash: Afterburner fire puff duration decreased from 140 to 120.


I received extensive assistance while making this project. Credit goes to the following individuals:

  • Elvish Pillager wrote a few bits of the most difficult code for this mod and gave significant design input. His Crazy Mod source code was a valuable reference when altering melee.
  • UQM core team members Meep-eep, Fossil and McMartin provided coding and debugging assistance.
  • Gekko was my primary beta test opponent during this mod's creation.
  • Bleeding Star gave some useful design input which led to several necessary adjustments.
  • Death 999 cooked up a nifty program which saved me hours of work when making a larger antimatter cone for Umgah.


List of Changes

Installation Instructions