Revision as of 18:04, 7 January 2005 by Fyzixfighter (talk | contribs)
"The current Slylandro speakers are Content to Hover, Joyous Lifting and Sullen Plummet"
I thought that Content to Hover was the only Slylandro speaker we encounter. As far as I know, we never hear the other ones talk (although Content to Hover does communicate with them somehow). -Fadookie 08:03, 28 Oct 2004 (CEST)
I could be mistaken but didn't Content to Hover claim to be a nymph when the Sentient Milieu was around, and not when the Precursors visited. That would decrease his age by an order of magnitude then. Fyzixfighter 10:33, 7 Jan 2005 (CET)
Just checked the dialogue files for CtH's age. Modifying accordingly. Fyzixfighter 19:04, 7 Jan 2005 (CET)