List of Precursor relics

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Evidences of the Precursors have been found almost everywhere in the galaxy, ranging from text fragments to massive starships. The Sentient Milieu was known to have discovered, studied and sought out Precursor relics. During the First War between the Alliance of Free Stars and the Ur-Quan Hierarchy, there were sporadic discoveries of mining installations, colony installations, and knowledge tablets left behind by the Precursors. The knowledge tablets contained the designs for advanced technology that could be immediately applied to starships. Similarly, during the Second War Precursor relics prove vital to The Captain's success in defeating the Ur-Quan.

A few items are sometimes assumed to be Precursor relics though their origins are never explicitly stated as such. For example, Wimbli's Trident and the Glowing Rod are completely useless, ancient artifacts given to the Druuge by the Utwig along with a known Precursor artifact, the Rosy Sphere. However, neither the Druuge, the Utwig, nor the Earth Starbase scientists even remotely hint to the Precursor nature of these artifacts. Another possible Precursor relic could be the Chenjesu race1,2 though it is generally assumed that they are the products of natural evolution.3

Relics identified as Precursor

These have been identified either first-hand or by other alien races as being of Precursor origin.

Notes and references

1Analysis of the Utwig Bomb shows that it is similar to Chenjesu and late-Precursor technology, possibly representing a connection between the two races.
2When asked about the Chmmr and Taalo evolution, Fred and Paul responded that "The Taalo and Chenjesu must either be the product of a previous culture, or they must be mostly software with some kind of field maniulation [sic] ability."
3The Star Control II manual states that the Chenjesu "evolved as photo/chemo-vores."