Build from sources
Build instructions
Pre-compiled binaries
Latest Pocket PC binaries
- Uncompress uqm_wince_*.zip into a location of choice, for example "\SD Card\games"
- Download uqm-0.6.0-content.uqm from and place it into "\SD Card\games\UQM\content\packages"
- Go to "\SD Card\games\UQM" and run uqm.exe
- This binary is compiled from the 0.6.2 sources of The Ur-Quan Masters, therefore 0.6.2 content must be used
- For PDAs other than Dell Axim x51v, might have to play around with starcon.key in "\SD Card\games\UQM\content\uqm-0.6.0-~wince-*.zip" (for the key settings)
- Screen orientation is hard-coded to landscape
- Patches to corresponding third party libraries can be found on the build instructions page.