User:Jzyehoshua/Final Mission

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For the Final Mission, 6 Ur-Quan ships will stand between you and the Sa-Matra, 3 Ur-Quan Kzer-Za Dreadnought ships, and 3 Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah Marauder ships. After defeating them, you will be supplied with as many Pkunk Fury and Yehat Terminator ships as you can carry (up to 4 of each, and if an odd number, the last one will be a Fury).

Ur-Quan Battle Strategy

Against the Ur-Quan ships, your best bet is to use a Spathi Eluder if you still have one. It is recommended that you have saved at least 2 for this battle (note that you will not be able to build them after a certain point in the game). Fwiffo and his Eluder are capable of taking down all 6 ships single-handedly. While theoretically one could use their Flagship for the battles, it is not advisable, as you will need it in top shape at the end.

When fighting the Dreadnoughts with the Eluder, simply keep ahead of their intended course, firing backwards with your B.U.T.T. missiles while staying just out of range of their cannon fire. If the small, green fighter ships get to close to you, just take a different direction off the screen and come at the Dreadnought from a different angle.

The real trick will be fighting the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah Marauders and their numerous spinning blades. While the Eluder can still defeat them, you will be hard pressed to avoid the numerous blades. Again, it is key to stay ahead of the Marauders so that your B.U.T.T. missiles, when fired backwards, will travel quicker to their target, thus allowing you to stay further out of danger.

Furthermore, the Eluder can move quickly enough side-to-side that the Marauder will often stop its blades short as you mis-align/dodge out of the way of each one.

Other ships that may do well against the 6 Ur-Quan-ship fleet:

-Thraddash Torch: While its low crew make it easily eliminated, its powerful Reeunk afterburner attack allows you to leave a line of fiery ionized plasma directly in front of a hapless Dreadnought or Marauder. Should either one be chasing you, they will likely run straight into the trap (although if you were too far away, the plasma will dissipate before they reach it). Another tactic against the Marauder is to stay somewhat ahead and just out of the line of fire of a Marauder, and with a slight swerving action, use the afterburner to drop a string of plasma which it will inevitably blunder through while chasing you.

-Yehat Terminator: The Terminator, of course, has the advantage of being able to shield through the Marauder's blades, before unleashing its devastating, up-close ion pulse cannon fire. Its bullets can also destroy the Marauder's blades relatively well, leaving one the option of staying just ahead and out of range of a Marauder, firing backward at both the on-coming blades and Marauder. Against a Dreadnought, the Terminator will be more disadvantaged, and may want to trick the somewhat slow-turning Dreadnought into turning around, before using the Terminator's quick turning radius and speed to try a strafing attack.

-Orz Nemesis: The quick-moving Nemesis of course has the option of using its Orz Marines to destroy the Dreadnoughts and Marauders from the inside. Since both ships are relatively slow-moving, well-aimed Marines shot in front of an enemy's path can stand a chance of quickly destroying the powerful Ur-Quan ships. The long shooting range of a Nemesis, though a bit tough to aim, can give it something of an advantage against both types of enemy ships it will face.

Sa-Matra Battle Strategy

Once defeating the Ur-Quan, you will have to perform 2 daunting tasks - the first, eliminating 8 shields that power a force field protecting the only entrance to the Sa-Matra, which sits guarded inside a cocoon of asteroids. While trying to eliminate these shields, you will be chased and harried by flaming, homing fireballs/comets of some kind, and small green fighter ships that, rather than shoot at you, simply bump into you causing a small amount of damage before disintegrating. Your second task will be to rush your bomb-laden Flagship into the Asteroid(s) for the final blow against the Ur-Quan empire.

For the first, all you really need is a single Pkunk Fury to eliminate all 8 shields. The Fury is well capable of flying around and eluding its slower adversaries, and while it may take a while, you should easily be able to eliminate all the shields without too much issue. However, while trying to escape, the Fury will inevitably and regretfully be destroyed by the fireballs. Since you were supplied with as many Fury and Terminator ships as you needed before this battle, there is no excuse for not having a Fury available. If you didn't have one coming in, simply make sure one of your ships is destroyed while fighting the 6 Ur-Quan to get a Pkunk Fury.

The real challenge will be getting your Flagship into asteroid entrance without getting destroyed by the fireballs. Unfortunately, this is largely luck, and unless placed very near the entrance, there's a good chance you won't make it. For this reason, it is best to have equipped your Flagship with not only (obviously) the maximum amount of Anti-Matter Thrusters and Turning Jets but also Point-Defense Laster systems as all your Flagship really needs to do for this final mission is survive as long as possible.