Version Comparison
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This page describes the differences between the versions of Star Control II on the PC and the 3DO, and The Ur-Quan Masters.
Gameplay differences
The price to know why the Melnorme's bridge turns purple
In the PC version the price the Melnorme ask for the information on why their bridge just turned purple is 120,000 Credits. In the 3DO version and in The Ur-Quan Masters, it takes 12,000,000 Credits. In no version can you actually acquire the required amount of Credits.
Graphical changes
The majority of the graphical changes are subtle. The default menus in UQM are taken from the 3DO version, but there is an option to use text menus from the PC version instead. The planet lander interface shows the lander in the main window unlike the PC version, which showed a view of the planet from orbit even when flying the lander.
The PC version had a slideshow intro and ending, whereas the 3DO version had pre-rendered 3d cutscenes. Neither are currently available in UQM (v0.3), but the slideshow is said to be present in the next release. Similarly, in Super Melee the PC had starship databank files on all the ships, and the 3do had animated ships. Neither is currently available in UQM.
Auditory changes
Both the music from the PC version and from the 3DO are available for use in UQM. In addition, you may download music specially remixed for UQM by the Precursors.
You may also download the 3DO-style spoken dialogue. In UQM, there are still some small discrepancies between what the alien is saying and what is written on screen.