The Pkunk Fury is often considered to be one of the weakest ships in the quadrant. Despite the fact that the ship isn't very powerful in terms of crew or battery capacity, the speed and turning rate can make it the best fighter in the game when in the hands of a skilled pilot. The pivotal role the Fury played in the battle of the Sa-Matra shows that it can be highly dangerous, if used properly.
There are few things in space faster than a Pkunk Fury. Some special movement modes — the Thraddash Torch Afterburner and Umgah Drone Reverse Thruster — can out run it, but none of them can maneuver like the Fury at that speed. The Fury has turning radius that can almost dodge an auto targetting laser.
The primary weapon is a triple mounted minigun that fires forward and to both flanks. They pump out super-heated metal pellets at an incredibly fast rate. The range of the weapon is very limited, since the pellets cool off rapidly. Although their short range can be written off as a weakness, the combat effectiveness of the Fury should not be underestimated. One strategy used by Fury pilots is "the ring of death" (not to be confused with with the Kohr-Ah Marauder's FRIED emitter). This move is executed by firing and turning at the same time. When done properly, the dense circle of shots can tear up any ship, marine, or projectile in range. It also looks pretty.
Unlike most ships, the Fury has no fuel generator. Their method of creating fuel is odd, indeed — the Pkunk can transform their psychic energy into heat and/or electricity by insulting their opponents. The Pkunk crew will insult your foe, creating fuel manually. Although you can't offend your opponent having 100% energy, it is a common tactic to shoot one pellet somewhere away and regenerate, just to provoke your enemy. Since the Fury is one of the fastest ships in the game, such provocation usually ends with the enemy being dotted with molten metal.
Since the Fury has minimal crew capacity, a few well-aimed shots can annihilate the Fury instantly. After a fury is destroyed, there is a small chance that the Fury will be reborn — fully crewed and with maximum energy. Due to the unpredictable nature of Fury reincarnation, a lucky Pkunk can be reborn multiple times. Having to fight the same ship over and over again can make even the most patient pilot go berserk.
Tactical Overview
The Fury can be a dangerous foe, mostly against slow and unmaneuverable ships. The VUX, for instance, can be ripped to shreds with proper timing and technique. However, many ships like the Utwig Jugger can stop moving and start firing in the directon of the Pkunk, in which case, the Fury has no way to attack. This tactic, known as pillboxing, works well against most short-ranged ships.