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So... this needs a *lot* of fleshing out -- more info on the Precursor factory, more info on its initial discovery by Burton, more info on the local wildlife (Ortogs and such) and so on. Moreover, this should link to the Second War article, which also needs a lot of fleshing out -- "Second War" should properly be a capsule summary of the whole plot of Star Control 2. No time to do this now, but reminding myself or someone else to get to it ASAP.

Just a quick note, reader, not to follow the advice here to link this to the Second War article (like I did!), as this is a non-canonical term. --Zeracles 22:13, 28 October 2007 (CET)

The name Unzervalt[edit]

I'm placing a note here to let you know why I'm changing the phrase describing the origin of the name again. This is what it says now:

the name "Unzervalt" developed informally among its Human colonists, and is probably an Anglicized corruption of "unser Walt", "our world" in the language of the German ethnic group from which many of the colonists are descended.

Problems I have with this:

  • "developed informally". We do not know that. The manual says "Eventually they gave their planet a name". They may just have decided to put it to a vote. Granted, it's more likely that it gradually developed, informally, but it isn't a fact, I don't see any words as "probably" or "possibly" in the phrasing above.
  • "language of the German ethnic group". Apart from the name "Unzervalt" itself, there's nothing that would suggest such a group. I can easilly imagine the word originated from one German being jokingly imitated. There doesn't even have to be a single German. It could be from a movie, or a song. It would even make the corruption of the word more plausible. After all, there was just one generation. Though the word may have been corrupted even before the expedition, which I don't consider very likely for a word as "Welt" in modern times.
  • "many of the colonists" takes this a step further.
  • (also, the German for "world" is "Welt", not "Walt")

- SvdB