Wii Port
[http://www.filefront.com/14659573/uqm-wii.zip/ Latest Binaries.
Unzip the binaries into the root of your SD card, making sure to preserve the directory structure. You are now done! It should appear in the Homebrew Channel. The base package is included.
Using the 3DO packages
They should all work but aren't included in the zip file. Since the Wii port is built on the UQM svn, I don't think you can use the package from the download section. You can get them here, using the "download as tarball" link at the bottom. Add-ons on the SVN. It is highly recommended that you zip them into a .uqm file, rather than placing all of the individual files onto your SD card. This is because the Wii file access libraries seem quite slow at opening many small files at once.
Defaults to Player 1 on Wiimote 1, Player 2 on Wiimote 2. Hold the Wiimote sideways, like an NES controller. Button 1 is OK/fire, Button 2 is Cancel/Special. Plus and Minus scroll/zoom, and the home button activates your escape hyperdrive. You can also use the nunchuck if you prefer, stick controls the ship, A fires, B is special. (Since both work, be careful how you hold the wiimote, as pushing B will still be cancel/special!) In theory you can add to the config files to allow you to also use the Classic Controller attachment, and it will still be considered Joystick 1/2, just with different button/hats. The Wiibrew Wiki entry on SDL has information on the button and axis mappings.
In the config menu you can change either player to use a game cube controller. A and B for OK and fire, d-pad or left stick for directions, the C stick scrolls and zooms. The Start button is hyperdrive.
Source Code Built using r3185 from the SVN. Source file includes only the .diff patch, not all of the UQM code. Also included are config_unix.h and build.vars, so you don't have to run the config script yourself.
The file "lwp_config.h" needs to replace the old one in your libogc source, so that there are enough mutexes.
The file "pthread.h" needs to go into your includes path somewhere. It is a wrapper to make the LWP library in libogc behave like the standard pthread library.
Libraries Required to Build
SDL Wii r63. Later versions have a bizarre screen update bug.
"inofficial" libfat fork Forked version is needed because it supports caching, and the main did not. (May have changed).
"inofficial" libogc fork Forked version is needed because the official libogc only uses MEM1, which is not enough memory for UQM.
You also need libvorbis / tremor. the ScummVM Wii wiki has info on how to compile Tremor for the Wii. Their info on the exports should help with cross compiling many things.
Hopefully that is all of them! Don't forget to run elf2dol on the "uqm" or "uqm-debug" file you get out of the build script.
Known Issues
Seems stable, save often though!
Black dot in the middle of planets in orbital view.